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Replace lengthy forms with effortless feedback

Review 2021

Review 2021

Founded by Gary Willmott

WAM Rating - 4.7

Hi5 Review 2021

Hi5: Replace lengthy forms with effortless feedback

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Reasons to love the Hi5 Platform
How to use Hi5 App to grow your company culture?
Pricing: How much does Hi5 cost?
Client Testimonials
Hi5: Is it a must-have for your business?
Ratings by TheWebAppMarket
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Neuroscience shows that verbal affirmations have a similar impact on the brain as financial rewards. There is ample evidence across several studies stating that recognizing team efforts and complimenting members can create a positive company culture.  But the same studies also show that only 50% of the survey participants could gather the courage to send the compliments they had written for their team members.

We’ve all heard that a simple compliment can make a big difference, and yet we are terrified of coming across awkwardly while showing appreciation or undermine the impact it can have on the other person. In the workplace, this can get even trickier. Hence to simplify your company communication and boost company morale, today’s app review presents the Hi5 app.  

It is an easy-to-use and highly affordable company recognition platform that helps build a recognition culture at work. Hi5 also simplifies analyzing company performance and which company values employees relate to the most. 

Reasons to love the Hi5 Platform

Hi5 does a great job at enabling employees to review and congratulate each other, whether it is the management taking feedback, assessing company culture, or simply knowing how co-workers are feeling. This popular HR app has a slew of satisfied clients who’ve continued to use Hi5 for its following unique features: 

  1. Pulses to create and manage surveys give performance and culture feedback to company and co-workers
  2. Survey Templates for measuring anything from employee engagement to performance KPIs
  3. Add company values and assess company culture in just 30 minutes
  4. Use Hi5 Recognition Dashboard to measure employee engagement and recognition in your company 
  5. Okta OpenID Connect Integration for Single Sign-On 
  6. Hi5 Games to know your company and co-workers better 
  7. Microsoft Teams integration for employee recognition and feedback 
  8. The first recognition platform to be integrated with WhatsApp
  9. Slack integration for Hi5s & birthday notifications
  10. Add to Home Screen (A2HS) Mobile-friendly browser app
  11. Send birthday Hi5s
  12. Genuine Meter to show users how positive their words sound
  13. Send External Hi5s to others not using the app 
  14. Open API so you can build your own Hi5 dashboards
  15. Team Communication Tools including Hi5s, Notice Board & People Directory 
  16. Organogram offering a real-time, dynamic view of your company structure
  17. Free Desktop Apps for Mac and Windows OS 
  18. Replace EOM poster with Crowned Hi5s 
  19. Get Recognition Insights on how good your company is at giving recognition
  20. Goals Tracker for creating personal goals 
  21. Measure recognition you receive on Hi5 Leaderboard 
  22. Use TV Stream View to show a live feed of your Hi5 Wall of Fame 
  23. Notice Board for a calendar view of company’s notices, events, and pulse deadlines 
  24. Get co-worker’s name, number, or email with Hi5 People Directory 

How to use Hi5 App to grow your company culture? 

The center premise of Hi5 is to simplify the process of giving and receiving recognition and feedback. Instead of filling lengthy forms and writing one on one emails, the Hi5 company recognition app makes all company interactions creatively engaging and human. Here are some ways companies can use different Hi5 tools to simplify company communications: 


1. Wall of Fame

You can view every recognition given to different employees on the Wall of Fame as you start the app. 

2. Recognition Dashboard

You can view who has given or received the most Hi5s, and to get weekly or monthly comparisons, Hi5 offers filters for date, department, and office. 

3. Hi5s by Culture

You can view the most tagged values across different interactions, which can help you see where the company culture is going and which values need promotions. 

4. Pulses

Hi5 Pulse is a customizable micro-survey tool that you can use to measure just about anything at the company. While Hi5 offers its library of templates, you can also create a pulse from scratch. You can use pulses for client feedback, performance reviews, and goal tracking. When people fill these pulses, the data points aggregate into reports, making it easy to view company and team performance dynamics. 

5. External Hi5s

You can receive client feedback from non-Hi5 users by sending external links for pulses and Hi5s. 

6. Notice Board

Hi5 ensures you never miss birthdays, work anniversaries, notices, events, and deadlines for when pulses need to be completed. 

7. Notices

With the Hi5 Notice Board feature, you can send out announcements to employees, according to specific departments, offices, roles, or permissions. You can also create and send Notices via the Hi5 Microsoft Teams app.

8. People Directory

You can view all of your co-worker’s profiles, including their notes and some information about them. Hi5’s People Directory also offers the Organogram section that shows you a preview of the entire company and how every employee fits into the company tree. 

9. Manage

Hi5 Manage section lets you view and edit employee details, including their names, phone number, birthday, email address, title, and personal description. You can also change the manager for each employee and their permission, department, role, or office. 

10. Integrations

You can add Hi5 to WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, and Slack. 

  • WhatsApp integration: As the only recognition platform to have this integration, Hi5 allows you to give Hi5s and tag company values anytime on the go. Just add a number as a contact, say hi, then give a Hi5 and tag company values. It will be directly shown on the Wall of Fame. 
  • Microsoft Teams integration: You can give and view Hi5s, add values, and even complete Pulses using Microsoft Teams. 
  • Slack integration: Pretty much every task performed using Microsoft Teams, Slack allows for it too. Just add a channel dedicated to Hi5 on Slack, and you can view all of the sent Hi5s, and get reminders. Giving Hi5s using Slack is super easy: Use the /hi5 command, mention a colleague, write your message and hashtag gif to send a recognition message from any Slack channel or conversation. The Hi5 team uses their Slack integration as well!

Pricing: How much does Hi5 cost?

For the extensive range of services, Hi5 is one of the most affordable workplace recognition tools on the market. They’re currently offering a 50% discount on its Awesome and Business Packages for Startups for six months and a lifetime 50% discount for Schools and Non-Profit Organizations. The pricing brackets and accompanying benefits are as follows:

1. Games Pack: From $1 per user per month, offering: 

  • Engaging Games for Entire Company
  • High Scores
  • Employee Profile Management
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Hi5’s for Recognition
  • Add Company Values
  • Add Roles & Goals
  • Support & Knowledge Base

2. Awesome Pack: From $2 per user per month, free up to 10 users, offering: 

  • Hi5 Games Features
  • Hi5 Crowning
  • Recognition Reports
  • Team Communication
  • People Directory
  • View Company Organogram
  • 5 x Free Pulse Surveys & Reports

3. Business Pack: From $5 per user per month with a 14-day free trial, offering:

  • Hi5 Games Features
  • Hi5 Awesome Features
  • View & Download Organogram
  • Unlimited Pulse Surveys & Reports
  • Measure Performance & Growth
  • Measure Company Culture
  • Individual Employee Reports
Hi5 - Cost and Pricing


Hi5 - Client Testimonials

Hi5: Is it a must-have for your business? 

Given the highly affordable pricing with exclusive discounts for NGOs, schools, and Startups, Hi5 is a solid deal for the long list of practical features available on the app. Neuroscience proves that compliments and financial rewards can have similar effects in motivating a person, so to have a multi-integration recognition platform like Hi5 that works on mobile and web can definitely help companies boost employee morale, streamline a lot of traditional HR practices and get a comprehensive overview of how the business and the people running it are performing. 

As explained above, Hi5 lets you view and give recognition, get instant surveys and feedback, view the company organogram and its member details, measure company culture, send notices, and plan and set goals.

The different integrations for WhatsApp, Slack, and Microsoft Teams make the app accessible on both web and mobile, making it a definite must-have for both big organizations and startups. 

Ratings by TheWebAppMarket

Design – 4.5 / 5
User Interface  – 5 / 5
App Features  – 4.5 / 5
Overall Performance – 4.5/ 5

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Gary Willmott- Founder Hi5

Gary Willmott

Founder of Hi5

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Gary Willmott- Founder Hi5

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Gary Willmott

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Gary Willmott

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