Cascade Spanish app review

Cascade Spanish: Start Speaking Spanish Today

Cascade Spanish: Start Speaking Spanish Today

With over 400 million speakers worldwide, Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world. 

Can you imagine the doors that would open up to you if you learnt to speak Spanish?

Being able to speak Spanish wouldn’t just give you a leg up in the job market, it would also unlock a door to a whole new world of incredible experiences and lasting friendships.

At this point, you are probably thinking, “Well, that would be wonderful, but how long would it take for me to start forming my own Spanish sentences?”

The answer is minutes. Not all Spanish teaching resources were created equal. There are many language teaching products out in the world and though most of them are just ordinary and won’t take you far, there are a few gems out there. 

Do you like the idea of learning Spanish using stories you can understand?

Do you want to learn new words without using flashcards or a dictionary?

Today, TheWebAppMarket reviews Cascade Spanish. A content streaming service that teaches Spanish.

Keep reading to hear about how you can get to hablando en español! In no time.

What is Cascade Spanish?

Cascade Spanish is an app developed by Cascade Languages – An Australian media company that teaches languages. Cascade Spanish teaches using content that was tailor made for language teaching.

The content is split between the two parts of the app:

  • The first part (Phase 1): contains 7.5 hours of audio-lessons and 25 short Spanish stories.
  • The second part (Phase 2):  is purely composed of stories.
Cascade spanish

Key Features of Cascade Spanish:

The content on Cascade Spanish has the following features

  • Audio lessons are short and do not require you to write anything.
  • The stories are grouped into story albums.
  • Stories come with comprehension assurances
    • 100% for Phase 1 and >90% for Phase 2.
  • Receive your first Spanish stories after 20 minutes of lessons audio.
  • You do not need to know any Spanish to use the content.

Sceptical? Download the app and verify the above claims for yourself.

cascade spanish

Costing and Pricing of Cascade Spanish App

Cascade Spanish has free and paid content. The first 3 hours of content is free and the paid content costs between $1.49 and $4.49 per module.

What can you do with Cascade Spanish App?

Cascade Spanish app facilitates the acquisition of Spanish by connecting you with the native Spanish language through stories. Thus creating a unique learning experience where users have to just follow simple steps to learn the Spanish language. 

Furthermore, It is a great tool for those who feel detoured or even discouraged to learn Spanish because of the monotony seemingly inherent in the classroom and/or textbook approach.  If you use the app as intended, it will provide you with Spanish stories using common words.

The best part about the App is once you finish Phase 1, the app uses the words it taught you in Phase 1 to teach you more Spanish.

Summary of Cascade Spanish App Review:

Cascade Spanish is a content streaming platform that teaches Spanish using content tailor made for teaching purposes. The content comes in the form of audio lessons and stories. All the content comes with assurances that if used as intended, your comprehension of the content will be over 90%

So, there you have it, a gem among the rough. Use Cascade Spanish to be educated and entertained in a new language. It does not take long to start seeing results.

Don’t delay. This is your key to communicating with the over 400 million people who make up the Spanish-speaking world. Start now and one day you’ll be grateful when you see your efforts rewarded with a new set of friends and experiences!

Alternatives of Cascade Spanish App:

Below- mentioned are the best apps for learning Spanish as a beginner:

  • Duolingo
  • Rosetta Stone
  • Busuu

Additional Details of Cascade Spanish App:

Below-mentioned are the additional details of Cascade Spanish App including their official social media handles as well:

Founder: Frank Kabangu
Founded: 2020
Social Media Presence: Facebook
cascade spanish app website link
cascade spanish app store link
cascade spanish Google Play Store Button