turnit app review

Turnit: One App For All your Conversions

Turnit: One App For All your Conversions

As we don’t like the idea of always lugging around unit conversion charts. We need mobile unit converters as they are convenient tools. There are many unit converter apps to be found online, but app developers have taken unit conversion on smartphones one step further.

Whether you’re a travelling business person who needs a currency conversion or a private business owner ordering from abroad, maybe a cook reading a foreign recipe and needing to convert some measurements.

Now, you can say adios to unit conversion charts and heavy calculators with the most thought-through scientific unit conversion app brought to you by TheWebAppMarket.

Turnit is one of the best unit converter app that allows you to perform your desired conversion as quickly as possible. Read in detail and learn about this amazing app to avoid a lot of clutter.

What is Turnit?

Turnit is a free and easy to use unit conversion app with a massive library with over 2600 units across 70+ categories which will allow you to convert everything pretty much. You can create your own converters to do the conversions you need quickly and easily.

Learn about the detailed description of units as well as the calculations behind the conversions. It covers a lot of conversions like acceleration, angular, angle, area, charge, concentration, molar, concentration, solution, current, data bitrate, data storage, density and a lot more.

Main Features of Turnit

Turnit converter has it all covered:

  • Features over 2600 units spread across over 70 categories, each with a detailed description.
  • Fast, accurate, math engine with significant digits
  • Complete step by step calculation showing behind maths of the conversion. 
  • Turnit also keeps a detailed history of user conversions allowing for review or reference.
  • Turnit features full significant digit support and has built-in overflow protection making it ideal for scientific conversions.
  • Highly customizable: users can create their converters and units.  
  • Multiple visual themes. 
  • Search, sort, filter options
  • No Ads 
  • Does not collect any user data and works off-line.
turnit app

Cost and Pricing of Turnit App

Turnit follows a donation-based pricing model. The App is free, comes fully featured, and has no ads.  

Those that want to support Turnit’s future development or otherwise show their support can donate via in-app purchases. Donations for Turnit work just like any other in-app purchase with the payment handled directly by Apple.   

While this may be an unusual pricing model, it allows everyone to get the full app experience without the need for ads, data collection, or feature gating behind paywalls. 

What can you do with Turnit App?

Turnit is a full-featured scientific unit converter that can do it all. It can convert pretty much everything from everyday household units to obscure scientific or historical units of measurement.

What makes Turnit great is that everything is so detailed. Just browsing and reading unit descriptions is kind of fun from a trivia perspective.  

Turnit is also highly customizable. You can create your converters, units, and it even has themes. This high degree of customizability means you can tailor it to your workflow effortlessly.

Summary of the Turnit App Review:

Turnit gives the user the power to quickly and easily convert pretty much anything. Out of the box, Turnit comes with a set of converters that cover most situations, but its main power lies in its high degree of customizability.

By creating your custom converters, you can significantly speed up your workflow. You can even make your units if you want. Turnits interface makes all this very easy.

Alternatives of Turnit App

A converter is something everyone should have, and so it should be free for everyone. Some more options to explore are:

  • ConvertPad
  • Sira Unit Converter
  • Red Binary Recipe Convert Free

Additional Details of Turnit

Below-mentioned are the additional details of Turnit App including their official social media handles as well:

Founder: Stanislav Jidkov
Founded: 2019
Social Media Presence: Linkedin
Turnit App Store link