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Top 10

Website Security issues

that will seriously hurt your business

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Top 10 Website Security Issues Will Seriously Hurt Your Business


The majority of business owners have seen the need of having a website in this era because of the necessity of building an online presence that will help boost their business.

The use of a website brings with it the risk of having security issues or breaches that if not dealt with can cause serious damage to your business.

You may think that you run a small business, so hackers won’t be interested in your website. But hackers look for any website they can attack and hurt the business.

So, below are the top 10 Website Security issues that may hurt your business.

1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attack

With XSS, when hackers have access to your site, they can make users or visitors of your website see unnecessary advertisements or get in touch with malware which makes your customers rethink doing business with you or visiting your website.

To prevent this, content security policies should be put in place on the website. This helps screen the URLs connected to your website.

2. Weak Passwords

Having a strong password that has a minimum of 18 characters is very important to prevent a security breach.

Hackers easily crack passwords these days, so having a strong and complex password helps to reduce this.

Website Strong Password_security issues

Your password should have upper and lower cases, numbers, signs, etc. Ideally, you should change your passwords frequently and don’t use one password more than once.

Better still, having a password manager or an application that generates and saves passwords for you can help you if you don’t want to forget your passwords.

3. Ransomware Attack

This is the third website security issue that hurts businesses because the hackers have access and control over sensitive data which causes a lot of issues when released to the public.

These sensitive data are usually encrypted by the hacker who asks the business owner to pay a ransom to gain back control over that data by a deadline.

To prevent this from happening, backing up data and putting security in place that allows business owners the ability to erase and restore data at will is advisable.

Also, if having an SSL certificate will seem expensive then having the cheapest SSL certificate you can afford to keep your website secure.

4. Data Breach

Most hackers make use of administrative accounts and passwords to have access to the website and data. They rarely make changes to data in this scenario.

This doesn’t stop them from using the data they have accessed in a bad way or spreading malware on the site.

You can prevent this kind of website security breach by being mindful of the browser you use to log in to your website because some access information can be saved and accessed.

5. Malware Infection

Hackers use malicious software to gain access to the entire website or network by encrypting data on the website.

Using antivirus software to remove and prevent malware from entering the workstation should be done to prevent or stop the malware.

Security Issues

Also, those who have access to the workstation should only be those who are administrators on the website.

6. Credentials Stuffing Attack

This occurs when a hacker has access to one of your passwords. They re-use this password on several accounts in hopes of getting access to them.

Preventing this is quite easy, and that is by not using the same username or password on multiple accounts or putting a multi-factor authentication in place.

With multi-factor authentication, even if the hacker has access to your password, they will still need to pass through other security measures, and you may be notified before they have complete access.

7. Brute Force Attack

When a hacker can’t use credentials, they go for a brute force attack where they input several guesses of what the password should be until one works on the website.

Having software or CMS in place that prevents several guesses of passwords is a way to prevent this attack. However, you can prevent it to add a lengthy password for the credential, and also can add two-factor authentication to prevent the attack.

8. Spam and Social Engineering Attack

Social engineering and spam are the oldest attacks hackers have used to cause security issues and are still used today.

In social engineering, the hacker may pose as genuine personnel and make staff in a business organization release sensitive data to him or her.

Spam and Social Engineering

While in spam, malicious emails are sent that if clicked on, will make a hacker gain access to your website.

In some cases, they have access to your email, then use it to spam or phish your customers through your email address which breaks your reputation.

Educating your employees about these tactics and telling them the signs they should watch out for is very helpful in minimizing this.

9. Breach In Transport Layer Protection

Not having an SSL certificate available on the website can give room for information shared between customers and servers to be breached.

The hackers can hack because they have access to weak algorithms and there is no SSL certificate available on the website.

These hackers steal users’ information for their use, the information could include that of credit cards or authentication details.

To prevent this from happening, or for better SSL security, you can choose few popular SSL certs like Cheap Multi Domain SSL Certificate for securing multiple domains/subdomains, Comodo Positive SSL for single domain, DigiCert SSL certificate.

10. Insider Threat

Trusting your employees or workers should not prevent you from putting systems in place to protect your business.

Betrayal or attack from your worker is the worst because they have access to information that they can steal and do things that can breach the security and trust of your business.

Insider Threat (Website)

Try to put SSL certificates on your site and access to sites should only be too few users who need access within your business organization.

Logins to the site should be when it is necessary and to achieve a specified task. The login should be created specifically for that purpose instead of having shared or general login access.

The Verdict

To make a robust network security solution for your organization, investing in the SASE architecture should be the right way. If you wish to build a topology that is easy to maintain irrespective of the location of your employees, the SASE model, and its compelling advantages will keep you afloat in this highly competitive marketplace. 

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